Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs)

Need a consultant who understands wildfire from many different perspectives and who excels at collaboration and community involvement? Our Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs) are geared toward meeting your individual needs, as well as any federal, state, and local requirements.

Our skilled and Certified Wildfire Mitigation Specialist (CWMS) will write a thoughtful and detailed plan for your jurisdiction, saving you precious time and money.

Perfect for municipalities, counties, and other groups who need a detailed and timely Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP).

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Wildfire Safety Plans

If you’re developing a property in a Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) area or an area prone to wildfires, it’s likely that you need a Wildfire Safety Plan.

Our skilled and Certified Wildfire Mitigation Specialist (CWMS) will write a thoughtful and detailed plan for your project, saving you precious time and money.

Perfect for developers, civil engineers, architects, land companies, etc.

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Vegetation Management Plans

Need to know how to best manage the plant life on or around your property or development? Similar to our Wildfire Safety Plans, our Vegetation Management Plans are geared toward meeting state and local requirements.

Our skilled and Certified Wildfire Mitigation Specialist (CWMS) will write a thoughtful and detailed plan for your project, saving you precious time and money.

Perfect for property owners, developers, civil engineers, architects, land companies, etc.

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Comprehensive Wildfire Safety & Mitigation Plans for Campuses, Homes & Businesses

We can talk about risk all day long, but what about safety? At the end of the day, you want your customers, family, property, and belongings safe from the real threat of wildfire. We provide a thorough review of macro- and micro-scale ignition vulnerabilities and teach you how to mitigate these vulnerabilities to increase your safety margin.

Using a science-based approach, we will build a thorough plan of action to create a safer environment for your campus, business or home, and the very important people that work and live within these areas. These plans incorporate vegetation management and structural hardening strategies, as well as providing information on evacuation planning and more.

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Customized Presentations, Training & Instruction

We provide customized presentations targeted to your audience and industry (e.g., insurance executives/agents, realtors, architects and engineers, landscape designers, fire service, homeowners, etc.). We also provide high-quality courses in science-based wildfire mitigation and structure survival principles, specializing in teaching others how to conduct thorough evaluations for ignition vulnerabilities.

If you have a group of defensible space inspectors (DSIs) or other professionals that you need brought up to speed on ignition vulnerabilities and how to conduct thorough, science-based property assessments, reach out and let’s talk!

In-Person & Live Virtual Courses

Online Courses

Jurisdictional Code Amendments for Fire Code & Wildland Urban Interface Code

Is your jurisdiction stretched thin with limited capacity to review current code provisions and write necessary code amendments? Our experts can help!

Our skilled code professional, is a long-time certified ICC Fire Inspector I, II and Plans Examiner. He’s also served as Acting Deputy Chief Fire Marshal for a large jurisdiction and has extensive experience…

  • rewriting complete code amendments for the International Fire Code (IFC) and International Wildland Urban Interface Code (IWUIC)

  • providing outreach and education to stakeholders regarding proposed and adopted amendments

  • getting code amendments passed through political channels

Ready for help with your code needs? Reach out and let’s talk about how we can save you time in this code adoption process.

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Private Fire Investigation & Expert Courtroom Testimony

From structure fires to vehicle fires to wildfires, we provide private fire investigation services and courtroom testimony from a highly trained and certified fire investigator with over a decade of experience.

Thorough reports are provided utilizing science-based principles of fire investigation and NFPA 921 standard methodology.

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Grant Writing

Looking to gain an edge over your competition? Our skilled grant writer has a proven track record of grant writing in the public service.

We’ll write a detailed and well-written grant proposal, saving you precious time, energy and the headache of writing the grant proposal yourself.

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